If you’re still not into crypto-technology, give this a read!

Josh Prakruth
2 min readDec 7, 2021

This is a piece I had planned to publish in May. I simply didn’t feel confident enough in my knowledge of it, so I kept away. After six months of consistent investment, I’m confident that this is the technology that will create jobs and shape the future of the next generation.

Imagine a world without electricity for a moment. Do you think the internet would have ever existed? The internet was created as a result of the advancement of computing and intellect made possible by the creation of electricity. It grew and prospered after its creation, creating far more efficient financial, communication, educational, commercial, navigational, workplace and computing systems. However, the majority of our generation was too young to engage in its adaptation, application, or development.

The question I’m going to pose to you: What’s the next great event that we can predict, understand, and potentially contribute to?

Crypto Technology.

This would not be feasible without the advent of the internet and its myriad applications. People who have grasped the use of the internet and its principles of producing money are currently becoming increasingly wealthy and eventually taking control. To put it another way, 99 percent of all corporations, organisations, and governments in the world are centralised (fall under a singular authority). The power they wield is unfathomable. Crypto currency was created as a result of this observation and an attempt to reverse it.

A cryptocurrency (or “crypto”) is a digital currency that can be used to buy goods and services, but uses an online ledger with strong cryptography (the art of writing or solving codes) to secure online transactions. Cryptocurrencies work using a technology called blockchain. Blockchain is a decentralized technology spread across many computers that manages and records transactions. Part of the appeal of this technology is its security, transparency and access to transactional information.

What got me interested in Crypto Technology?

I love how Crytpo currency frees central banks from having to manage money supply. These banks have a tendency to devalue money over time by inflating it.

I enjoy the blockchain technology that underpins cryptocurrency. It’s a decentralised processing and recording system that has the potential to be more secure than standard payment methods.

As time passes, the tokens/coins representing promising projects that help improve this technology by solving critical problems, increase in value. By understanding the roadmap of these projects and financially backing them (as much as I can), there’s a feeling of empowerment within me as an investor. After missing out on the opportunity to learn and contribute to the rise of the stock market, I cannot imagine missing out on this moment in history.

Neither should you! 🙂

Do reach out to me if you’re interested. Will recommend good content to get you kickstarted.



Josh Prakruth

Former Amazonian. Entrepreneur. Founder of ‘Egventure' Fusion Café. Avid Sport fanatic, cryinvestor, the Holy Bible explorer, Melophile and a Perspective-ist 🙂